Monday 2 May 2011

May already !

Goodness, I can't believe it's May already!

Nearly half way through the year already. Where does the time go?
Now, has anyone still kept up their New Years Resolutions?
I have and I haven't.

Well, the usual weight loss has gone a bit awol (not all the weight though unfortuantely). But I have managed to keep up to date most of the time on my Etsy shop...
So that's good :o)

I've been doing some lovely crafting this week.
These new needlecases have appeared in my Etsy shop.

A lovely birdie one,

with my original inside pocket,

And another rose style one.
i've posted a picture of the back and the front.

I bought this vintage plate from the charity shop last week,
but i thought it could do with a bit of a makeover.
(I'm begining to look at everything now with the question "How can I attach some crochet or sewing to it?" LOL  )
So out came the needle and thread,

And then the vintage rayon yarn and crochet hook..
And Voila!
My new doily plate :o)

I've been beavering away making crochet vases too. This is the biggest one so far.
An enormous coffee jar was used for this...

I'm making some smaller ones for my etsy shop at the moment...
Hope fully I won't take too long about it!

Our garden is looking very purple at the moment with gorgeous columbine,

and french lavender....

Have a lovely week :o)