Sunday 5 June 2011

A post for Jennie :o)

Hello my lovely Jennie,
This is a post I've written for you to see what you think about the 'string' on your bunting..

Ok. Here goes...

I've done a mock up for you with two of the flags to try and give you an idea what the string will look like..

These are the flags with the white twill across the top..

Obviously it looks brighter on the candy stripe fabric than the rose in bloom fabric...

Below is the cream coloured shop bias binding...

Below are the flags with the vintage cotton tape that I mostly use...

It does look a more sepia tint in real life..

Below is the bias binding that I made form a strip of fabric that you sent wrapped around some fabric..

It's made beautiful binding..

and does go beautifully with the flags..

But I thought I'd let you have a looksie and see before I attached it, as you may/may not have a preference....

I'm easy, and I'll make whichever you would like, or think Sophie would like :o)

Or I'll choose, and do a surprise for you ;o)

Now, i also have quite a bit of the fabric left. 
Would you like me to  :
a)  Send it back in the parcel with all your goodies?
b) Keep it here to make something that you may want for Sophie/you in the future?
c) Make Sophie a matching patchwork cushion cover?
d) Make a surprise?
e) Just keep it safe?

Again totally up to you. But if you'd like a cushion cover or something else made, I'll send it after this parcel, otherwise you're never going to get your birthday present or bunting my lovely! ;o)

I do hope this post is helpful to you, and I haven't shown you all the bunting so that you can be surprised when I send it...obviously unless you'd like me to show you it all?

Anyway, that's it for now..

Below is a rose that's in the garden and I photographed for you this morning to celebrate the last day of you be 42 years old ;o)...

Have a lovely last 42years day Jennie. xxOOxx

Monday 2 May 2011

May already !

Goodness, I can't believe it's May already!

Nearly half way through the year already. Where does the time go?
Now, has anyone still kept up their New Years Resolutions?
I have and I haven't.

Well, the usual weight loss has gone a bit awol (not all the weight though unfortuantely). But I have managed to keep up to date most of the time on my Etsy shop...
So that's good :o)

I've been doing some lovely crafting this week.
These new needlecases have appeared in my Etsy shop.

A lovely birdie one,

with my original inside pocket,

And another rose style one.
i've posted a picture of the back and the front.

I bought this vintage plate from the charity shop last week,
but i thought it could do with a bit of a makeover.
(I'm begining to look at everything now with the question "How can I attach some crochet or sewing to it?" LOL  )
So out came the needle and thread,

And then the vintage rayon yarn and crochet hook..
And Voila!
My new doily plate :o)

I've been beavering away making crochet vases too. This is the biggest one so far.
An enormous coffee jar was used for this...

I'm making some smaller ones for my etsy shop at the moment...
Hope fully I won't take too long about it!

Our garden is looking very purple at the moment with gorgeous columbine,

and french lavender....

Have a lovely week :o)

Monday 25 April 2011


I had a lovely time at the fair I went to last Sunday.
I was outside the main hall in a marquee, and the weather was glorious; well it has been all week.
I've just had to get out in the garden whilst getting some hooky and stitching done.

Here's some pretty bunting that I've just added to my shop..
I've also added some ballerina bunting, and liqourice allsorts bunting...remember them? I was always a bit gutted when some kind person brought me a box of them, cos' I couldn't stand liquorice :o)
How's that for ungrateful?  LOL

I've been working on some new needlecases, and making up crochet jar covers to make little cosy pots. Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you in the week sometime.

Haven't we been having gorgeous weather..probably our summer I know, but still it's been so nice to spend the Easter holidays out in the garden..

I'll leave you with a few pictures..

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Needle book

I've had this in my Etsy shop for a while, but i keep forgetting to pop it on here for a closer look.
This is the second needle book in my 'Rose' needle book series.
The one onthe left is my very first one...i've kept that one all for myself :o)

This is it opened out..
And below is the button fastenings.

Below shows the little inside pocket on the front page for those pesky embroidery needles that always gradually just fall through the felt :o)
These are unique to my needle cases.

If you'd like a custom one, just convo me, as I love making them.
The one above is in my Etsy shop.

I did a birdy one too, but it was swooped (sorry :o) on by a friend.
So when I've finished a few more rosy ones, I'll pop some more birdy ones on there.


I've got another Fair this Sunday 17th April. 
I've been sewing like mad getting lots of bunting made for it.
I'll show you my lovely 'Ballerina' bunting next time.


Wednesday 6 April 2011


I've just recently been given a lovely commission to work on from my Etsy store.
It was for four enormous placemats measuring 17" x13" , with navy blue and white running through them..well, here's the finished products which are now on their way across the lil' ole'pond to the U.S. of A...

They took a while to make,

I hope the recipient likes them :o)
Here's some 'man' mixed media art that i've been working on that will soon be listed in my shop.

And, I've been busy with the patchwork...I think that crochet and patchwork are just meant to be together and look gorgeous :o)

This was just a test run, but keep an eye out in LTS for the real mcCoy  =)

Here's anothe Queen Annes lace scarf ..this ones in amethyst cotton..I've yet to list one in my little shop because as fast as I make them they get snapped up!  This is my 7th one!

I've been busy in the garden too lately, here's some tomatoes, asters and runner beans popping up..Mmmm I do like fresh veg ... :o) 

Sunday 27 March 2011

Spring Fling ..

Aahhh,  Spring has finally arrived..

I adore Camelias, and yesterday my two girls and I had a mooch around a local garden which was full of Camelias and other beautiful flowers all poking their heads through the ground..

I've never actually seen yellow camelias in real life :)

Beautiful primroses..

Some new makes for my Etsy shop..
Diddy, cozied up bottles...

Gorgeous vintage egg cup pin cushions..
The green ones are Avon..

A lovely Union Jack egg cup that I adore...

Have you made or bought anything handmade recently?