Wednesday 6 April 2011


I've just recently been given a lovely commission to work on from my Etsy store.
It was for four enormous placemats measuring 17" x13" , with navy blue and white running through them..well, here's the finished products which are now on their way across the lil' ole'pond to the U.S. of A...

They took a while to make,

I hope the recipient likes them :o)
Here's some 'man' mixed media art that i've been working on that will soon be listed in my shop.

And, I've been busy with the patchwork...I think that crochet and patchwork are just meant to be together and look gorgeous :o)

This was just a test run, but keep an eye out in LTS for the real mcCoy  =)

Here's anothe Queen Annes lace scarf ..this ones in amethyst cotton..I've yet to list one in my little shop because as fast as I make them they get snapped up!  This is my 7th one!

I've been busy in the garden too lately, here's some tomatoes, asters and runner beans popping up..Mmmm I do like fresh veg ... :o)